8 Okt 2015





Literature II



Reaching the door to Heaven
By: Adhelia Nanda Riska R

My name is Amanda used to be called candy. They are call me candy because I love eating sweets. I grew up in the family is very rich and luxurious. My mother and my father named Ria named Gratitude but of a different nature to the name dad never complained always grateful when father and mother are very self-sufficient even more. Father and mother are never really away from the religion of prayer, chanting and even fasting. Therefore, my brother and I were away from religion as my parents.

One day I dream that in my town is very powerful earthquake accompanied by lava mountains around my city devastated. I saw my father and mother ran away from it but it looks like lava mountain was eager to kill the father and mother. and finally I saw my father and mother died while my brother lost his way. I awoke my misgivings I'm afraid it happened.

At school I was known as a rich kid I had it all; cars, laptops, BB, I-pad and so on. I have a school that is Randi, Keisya, Lita and I saw that both my best friend to be my friend because he wanted to drain my money because they would know I was moved to another school.

I went home and picked up by a driver who was driving father named Sukirman. Dad while mom works at 7:00 a.m. to 11:20 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 pm therefore we rarely got stroked love of our parents and grandparents happier close to because grandparents often told about the Japanese and Dutch colonialism. I was very happy when told that story because I came to know our heroes struggle.

When I came home from school as usual I was picked up by Sukirman (my driver). But somehow I do not want to be picked up I want the house to a new school friend Mina. I walked happily and singing. Then, my eyes fell on a flowering tree that does not bear fruit and pale yellow leaves. For some reasons, I really wanted to climb the tree I was climbing I will ultimately do not know why I'm so easy to climb that tree and I have never climbed a tree though.

After I climbed the tree and the mountain erupted dream happen but oddly enough I climb the tree grows up, up and up again. After the mountain erupted lava subsided, I saw my father and my mother died and my sister lost. I will come down from the tree with mixed feelings of sadness still happy because God gave me a miracle. I was abandoned, destroyed my house and all my family lost somewhere.

Then I met a family who were weeping for her son who is gone. I will over and entertain the family. the family that adopted me as his adopted son replace his son who died because I do not have a family anymore I will accept it.

It turns out that the family has 3 children 1 boy and 2 girls. I had this as a child in the family 4th. The first child was named Ari while the second named Laila and the 3rd named Cantika while I as the 4th child replace Ifa who have died, while the father's name and my godmother is Aisha and Grace. my mother and father had a handsome cottage area called "Darul Muqtadin".

By Adhelia Nanda Riska R

There are many characters in the story. They are:
(1)   Amanda is the main character.
(2)   Mina is Amanda’s best friend.
(3)   Syukur and Ria are Amanda’s parents.
(4)   Amanda’s younger sister.
(5)   Randy, Keysya and Lita are Amanda’s classmate.
(6)   Rahmad (Kyai) and Aisyah are Amanda’s foster parents.
1.    Character of the person:
(1)   Protagonist: Amanda, Mina and Kyai (Pak Rahmad)
As if the reason as follow:
a.       Amanda:
·      She wants to learn about Islam seriously although she has not background about before.
·      Although she is a rich girl but she is never proud and want to friend with anyone.
b.      Kyai (Pak Rahmad):
·      He adopts Amanda as his child.
·      Although Amanda cannot pray but he is not angry to her. Moreover, he leads and teaches Amanda about Islam sincerely.
(2)   Antagonist:
1.      Amanda’s parents:
·      They are so far from Islam and never give love to Amanda and sister.
2.      Her friends (Keysya, Randy and Lita):
·      They want to friend with Amanda because they want brain Amanda’s money only.

2.    Physical appearance:
·      She is the rich girl which has all she wanted.

3.    Amanda usually activities:
·         She is usually told a national history about war by her grandfather so she knows about fully.

4.    The other react to him:
·         Her parents do not care with him. In other word, she only gets physical response (material) but not in love from her parents.
·         She is loved by her new friend and family in the cottage (Darul Muqtadin).

B.     PLOT
1.      Introduction:
The first paragraph
Introduce the main character (Amanda) and her family).
2.      Rising Action:
The first paragraph
It started when she has a bad dream. Her parents died and her sister was lost. Next, the eruption lava of mountain has destroyed her house and all her families.
3.      Climax:
The paragraph six
It is happen when her dream is come true. So, she is a poor girl. Then, she adopted by a couple as foster child, and live at a cottage.
4.      Falling Action:
The sixth paragraph seven
It is happened when her new family loves her so much and all her new friends at cottage say greeting warmly to her. She learns about Islamic fully there.
5.      Denouement:
The sixth paragraph
It is happened when she meets with her friend Mina and her sister. Beside her, Mina and her sister is save from the incident. And the last, Amanda and her sister live together with their new family.

1.      The story has some taking places as follow:
·      The story is happened in the Jombang, East Java.
·      After the incident, she lives at a cottage (Darul Muqtadin).
2.      The creator started the story with feeling sadness.
·         Internal            : Man VS her self
The main character Amanda does not have Islamic background.
·         External           : Man VS Man
The main character Amanda gets less love of her parents.
            : Man VS Society
Cause the eruption of the mountain, she missed her wealth and be a poor people.

·         First Person:
We take it because the author is a model or real character in the story. She uses the personal pronoun “I” in telling the story.

F.     THEME:
·            Don’t ever forget to pray and lose hope.

By: Adhelia Nanda Riska R

Once upon a time, there was a rich girl who had anything whatever she wanted. Although she had wealth but she unusual got love from her parents. In other word, her parents were busy to work only so no time to give their love to Amanda. Thus they were so far from Islam and also Amanda.
As long her life, Amanda only got love from her grandfather. He always told about Indonesian war faced the colonial. At school, she had many friends but they only need her wealth. So, Amanda moved from a school to other. She found the new best friend Mina there.
A trouble was beginning to her when the lava of the mountain broke her wealth; house and parents, and she missed her younger sister. Caused this trouble, she was a poor girl until the couple adopted her as foster child. They are Mr. Rahmad and Mrs. Rahmad (Aisyah). They lived at a cottage which name “Nurul Muqtadin” in Jombang, East Java. They are the owner of the cottage. They bought Amanda to live together with them there.
At the cottage, Amanda got more that the wealth. It means, she got new family which loved her fully, friends and understood about Islam fully. She was very happy because she got the real wealth in her life. Moreover, when she met with her younger sister and best friend Mina there, she felt not alone. Actually, H\her sister and Mina were also saved from the accident. They lived together with their wealth.

The next 3 days as family custom cottage 12-year-old children should be housed while my age is 12 years I will have to lodge. Actually, I mole-I would not be happy at home. Arriving at the lodge I was greeted warmly by the family cottage I just smile maybe they think that I'm good at in religion but I do not. Probably, right in saying "beautiful bag containing rubbish". Then, I delivered by a woman named Zahra modern peer with him. at the cottage my name changed to Zada "Zada Azzahra Waminna"

This Islamic clerics in the cottage told us to pray for all I was shocked I had never prayed before though my parents never to2 Because this prayer. it is known by Zahra's my friend and he reported to the pack clerics. ago I was called by Mr.. Kyai Kyai pack I was shocked I thought it was not going to yell at me with a full pack of clerics led me patience and understanding.

It has been 6 months I was in this cottage that is taught by many religious scholars and the pack of friends in the cottage now I've been able to pray, recite. I'm happy to be here because a lot of good friends and a lot of teachers who patiently reply. I feel ashamed if I did not remember that it used to be any. Musing of a sudden, there is a scream in the "CANDY, CANDY" I'm surprised anyone is yelling when all friends call me Zada. Suddenly, someone tapped me on the shoulder who has turns out. He was mina’s school classmates. I'm surprised I think all my friends are dead apparently not mina.

Mina told me about the disaster to me "when you promised that you would come to my house I was waiting for all the shouting mountain erupted lettuce because I could not get out of my house collapsed I will just cry I cannot anything past the lava was about me and my body felt withering heat very strong because I will not be unconscious. then I was awoken by a rescue team suddenly I was in "the image of the Hospital Medika" along with the other victims "so sorry I will listen to you, then what about your family I said." mom & my dad died my brother lost his way. "Why you can up here? I asked curious "I was adopted by a good mom who named miss Eny. Godmother was concerned to see how I was doing and eventually adopted me as his son and housed here ".

"You yourself how come here?" Ask mina. "I was adopted by the owners of this cottage". Until there was no bell reads "... teng teng ... teng". I will split up with Mina because we were different class I while mina 10a 10c. "... Teng teng ... teng" home bell rang. Mina apparently been waiting in front of the classroom door. and mina I walked into the hostel both 1 minute later we arrived at our hostel dormitory coincidence that
dahlia 10

Not feel the dawn of time shows all cottage residents to pray in congregation with the priest and congregation pack clerics students cottage. After prayers after the children ran towards the cafeteria as well as me and mina. Two bowls of meatballs mina thrusting and Two cups of iced tea. Suddenly, there were calling me "sister Manda, Manda sister". Turn out that my brother I could no longer hold back the tears I will cry as he hugged my sister.

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